Monday, November 27, 2017

How You Can Teach Leash Skill To Your Dog

Dogs move faster than humans and they are always eager and inquisitive about everything around them. Proper leash manners allow puppies to explore the world without going beyond the boundaries. Even friendly puppies can get scared and a leash provides security and a comfort. Puppy leashes could prove to be a fantastic tool to constrain their movements and behavior. Not only that, in many places it’s a necessity by law when walking them in public. 

Puppy leashes

Dog owners need to keep in mind that puppies don’t know how to walk obediently on a leash, this leash skill is something that needs to be trained. Although sounds quite obvious, to train your dog walking on a leash, the first thing you need to have is a dog collar with a leash. You need to buy a collar that fits him appropriately. Most of the dog trainers suggest to go for a light flat collar and a light leash for a young pup. 

The process of leash skill training-

If you have a puppy, get him familiar and accustomed to a collar from the very beginning. Let him wear the leash for short periods of time, inside the house. Play with him and reward him with treats. 

In case your pup is not accepting the leash, don’t get excited. It may take hours, it may take a couple of weeks to teach your pup leash skill. Not all puppies learn at the same speed. So be patient and eventually they will accept it.

In the circumstances where your puppy is walking quite nicely without pulling, give him a treat as a reference point that he is doing well. But if your dog starts pulling the leash, there are two ways to tackle the situation. First, make him understand you are not liking it, second by walking decently he could earn a reward every time. 

According to the trainers who offer dog training for aggressive dogs, make the leash etiquette sessions frequent, short and enjoyable for your puppy. Until your dog learns to walk without pulling, consider all walks training sessions.

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